Registration Information

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Find registration information and resources to enrol in your next course.
Diploma in Banking
To register for the Diploma in Banking Programme, please download, print and complete the following forms and return them to our office along with complete payments of the registration, annual membership and examination fees. The DIB Prospectus is also available for download. The Membership Application form can be found in the Membership section of this website. Payments can be made via debit card/credit card or certified cheque. Personal cheques and cash are not accepted by the IBF.
Registration Information
- IBF Membership Form
- DIB Programme Application Form
- DIB Examination Registration
- Standing Order Form
- IBF Fee Structure
DIB Resources
Certificate for Financial Advisors
To register for the Cert.FA Programme, please download, print and complete each of the following forms and return them to our office along with complete payments of the registration, annual membership subscription and programme fees. The Cert.FA Prospectus and the Cert.FA Student Handbook are also available for download and give students more detailed information on the programme. The Membership Application Form can be found in the Membership section of this website. Payments can be made by debit card/credit card or certified cheque. Personal cheques are not accepted by the IBF.
Registration Information
- IBF Membership Form
- Cert. FA Programme Application Form
- Cert. FA Examination Registration
- Standing Order Form
- IBF Fee Structure
Cert. FA Resources
Certified International Risk Manager
Certified Credit Professional
Chartered Banker by Experience
Entry Requirements
- Have at least 10 years of business experience, including 5 years of relevant banking and financial services experience.
- Rolling Registration.
- Click here to see if you qualify.
Chartered Banker MBA